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About Innovent Services

Global leader in startups enterprise​

Reaching milestones towards commercialization success.

I’m Amanda, Director of Innovent Services, LLC. I help small businesses gain access to funding. I am also a business coach and mentor for startups across various disciplines such as life sciences, technology and energy.

One of my dreams was to create and develop outstanding scientific breakthroughs in the lab. For six years, I worked on my Ph.D. projects, conducting remarkable scientific experiments on biomolecules. Although I enjoyed bench research, I yearned to see a more practical application of science, societal benefits of innovations, and build rapport outside the lab. That’s why, since 2010, I have sought ways to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical practice.

One of my specialties is small business grants. As an expert grant consultant, I am here to help you go from idea to prototype to product. Since 2014, I worked specifically on small business innovation grants (SBIR) and served on several grant review panels. My expertise lies in reviewing grants before submission, addressing weaknesses, and enhancing flow and clarity of the proposal. 

Also, as an early-stage business mentor and leadership coach, I assist businesses with pitch deck development, presentation skills, and leadership development. I am here to help businesses translate their products into commercial success

Skills &




Innovent consulting services specializes in helping startup businesses secure non-dilutive funding through small business grants. Our services also include development of pitch slide decks and presentation coaching for many different audiences (e.g. investors, incubators, demo day).


Our mission is to help startups from all over the world get the capital they need to bring great products to their customers.


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